Dev Lab Group
Create For Efficiency


Bid Artifact Repository

DLG provides clients the ability to store and query the artifacts necessary to craft winning bids. Our software, Bid Artifact Repository (BAR) connects your business development and capture units to the documentation, artifacts, and metrics already stored across your organization. Consolidating organizational assets streamlines processes, reduces search time, and enables a self service environment. Boost your teams collaboration and quality content creation with BAR.

Our Team

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AJ Carlos

Director of Program Management / Co-Founder

AJ Carlos is an experienced project and portfolio manager with programming skills. She has led the development of creative solutions and implementation of process improvements with stakeholders to resolve emergent and dynamic challenges. With over 10 years of experience in the Defense Industry, she has led dozens of complex technical implementations across all roles of a development team.

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Vincent Paterno

Principal Software Architect / Co-Founder

Vincent Paterno has over a decade of software development experience. He has been fortunate to have had his hands in each phase of the Software Development Life Cycle and as such, thrives on creating digital assets. He has 15+ years of experience developing eCommerce tools and has worked closely with defense consulting firms for 6+ years to develop digital solutions.